How I got #CursedChild tickets without really trying (lies) OR the Friday Forty.

Hello, hello! I come today, on the day of Harry Potter and JK Rowling's birthday and the release day of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child script book with an interesting post. YES I GOT TICKETS FOR THE CURSED CHILD YES I’M FLYING ALL THE WAY TO THE UK JUST TO WATCH IT AND YES I’M TELLING YOU HOW I SOLD MY SOUL FOR THESE TICKETS. *calms self down*. 

First, a few disclaimers of sorts. These tickets are expensive, you will have to trust on luck a lot, you will probably cry or scream in frustration while trying to get them. 

And now, let’s proceed to HOW MICA GOT CURSED CHILD TICKETS AND DIDN’T DIE IN THE PROCESS. This post is probably common knowledge, but I just wanted to make itt so if you hate idec.

1. The before

Believe it or not, by the time I decided I wanted to go to London and watch this freaking play, all dates were already sold out. ALL OF THEM. The show runs until May 2017 (as of today) and not one date had a seating. 

My plan was on 2017 from the begging. Flying and staying in London was already a huge amount of money I had to save and above all I needed time. With this is mind, I knew the Friday Forty wouldn’t be an option, I NEEDED TO PLAN MY TRIP GODDAMN IT. 

If you’re now asking yourself: “How the hell did you ordinary human being got tickets WITHOUT entering the Friday Forty?”, let me tell you a secret: tickets newsletter. This newsletter exists so when new tickets come up, most probably returned tickets, you'll be the first to know and so hold a better chance at getting them once they get out. This doesn't mean they guarantee your tickets but it's as close as it gets with this play.


2. The waiting

I think I signed up to the newsletter somewhere around mid May, I honestly can't remember exactly. Anyways, my hopes were pretty down to be honest. I already knew tickets sold out in like a minute every time they released more, so I was trying not to get my hopes up. I always fail spectacularly in this department BUT I TRIED.

This pretty bookmark is from Nook & Burrow

So, tickets would be released at 1 pm London time, meaning 9 am Mica's time. This was actually not convenient because since I have to be at work at 9:30, at 9 I would be commuting. You have no idea the anxiety and stress it meant to acknowledge this, but more into that later.

3. Getting the tickets, a commute.

I usually wake up at 7:30 on weekdays, but I set my alarm at 6 am that day. This turned out to be completely unnecessary. If you get into the website before the time they release the tickets, you'll just get to a loooong queue that will get you nowhere. I didn't know this BUT NOW YOU DO, so you're welcome.

I take the bus to work at 8:05, it was 8 am and I decided to leave my queue on my computer and start a new one on my cellphone. At this point, there was around 3.000 people in front of me YOU READ THAT RIGHT. I was bummed, there was no way in hell I was going to get tickets now. I was this close to give up on the whole thing, but I didn't.

I commuted the whole way to work looking at my phone, I probably looked like a looney to must people but it's Harry Potter so who cares. And then, just when I was about to get to my stop THERE WERE LIKE 5 PEOPLE IN FRONT ME. I took my credit card faster than a a cheetah.

When it was finally my turn, I was getting off the first bus I and getting into the second. Trust me, my stress levels were HIGH. I got into the second bus, looked at my phone and TADAH! TICKETS WERE FREAKING AVAILABLE FOR MY REQUIRED DATE. But wait...

At this point tears were already a thing

Tears of blood run down my eyes. I got an ERROR page, and ACTUAL ERROR PAGE WHILE BUYING MY TICKETS. Why did I do? I refreshed the page. I figured what the hell, I lost my spot on the queue anyways, let's give it another try.

This time I had around 200 people in front of me, which probably meant lots of others got the error page, or it was already sold out and people were abandoning the line. I almost drop out of it too, but for some forsaken reason I stayed with my phone clutched in my hands and my credit card as ready as a credit card can be.

And then, it finally happened. I SELECTED MY DATE, I SELECTED THE AVAILABLE SEATING (be prepared for them to be the most expensive, which is £130 per ticket for both parts), GOT MY CREDIT CARD NUMBER (wrong at the first try, I was really freaking out ok?), AND:

So much bliss I cried for half an hour straight


By the way, I just got an email that the next released tickets will be available August 4th for showings up to December 2017 in case anyone is interested!

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  1. Congratulations!! I live in Indonesia and it's so far away from London, so my chance to see the play is very thin. I can't really afford the plane tickets plus accommodation, mainly. Have you read the script though?

    1. I'm not sure I want to read the script before the play! I kind of want to be surprised but at the same time I fear I'll get spoiled anyways if I don't read it. Ugh, who knows! I'll decide at some point I guess :)

    2. That's tough.. I hope you'll enjoy the play nevertheless!

  2. Hello! How would I subscribe to your blog posts? I would love to be notified when you post something new! Please reply soon!


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