That time I re read the whole Harry Potter series

I finished college this December, and the whole time I had one thing in mind: I wanted to re read the whole Harry Potter series after graduating. I was going through a major reading slump, writing your final thesis leaves you tired like that, and I bought my brand new HP box set six months earlier, so it was the perfect opportunity.

What did I learn during this re read? First things first: I was relying on the movies too much. A whole lot, actually. There were so many key elements that made the Harry Potter books better than the movies, and I’ve forgotten them all, even though this was definitely not my first time revisiting the novels.

On this point, let’s start with the obvious: Ron. Ron hatred is actually quite common in the HP fandom. He can come off as a jealous mommy’s boy, and sometimes he lets his emotions get the best of him.  Even though I had my problems with Ron, I was never on the “I hate Ron Weasley band-wagon”. Re reading the whole series, I could see more clearly his character development, and honestly he’s a much better friend than the movies show us. It is well known some of Hermione’s moving lines in the movies were actually Ron’s in the books, for example:

Hermione: If you want to kill Harry, you’ll have to kill us, too!
So yeah, I took a brand new liking to Ron, now that the movies’ characterisation was replaced by JK Rowling’s. I still had one problem though, and that is, Ron is kind of a sexist. Especially, when Hermione and Ginny are concerned. He actually almost calls Ginny a slut, is constantly wondering who she’s with and pretty much stalks Hermione every time she gets close to a boy, even if said boy is Harry.

Moving on from Ron, I learned to love a character that was utterly ruined in the movies, and that’s Ginny. God, I love Ginny. She’s fierce, has principles, loves her friends, gives Luna a chance and it’s not afraid to step back when Harry needs her to. Plus, she couldn’t give a damn about anybody’s opinion on her choices, and I love her for that. Also, I now ship Harry/Ginny, and that didn’t happen the first time I read about their relationship.

Sirius was another character that strike me slightly different while re reading. I found him quite annoying and was 100% on Mrs. Weasley and Hermione’s side on his obsession with Harry and James’ similarities. I mourned his death though, it gets me every time.

Speaking of death, I have also found a new appreciation for Dumbledore. We all know Michael Gambon took a different turn when he stepped in as Hogwarts’ Headmaster. Gambon’s Dumbledore was a little more unattached and well, ruder, that book-Dumbledore. Because of this “newfound” Dumbledore the books presented me, I freaking cried my eyes out when he died. I know I had a similar reaction when I first read Half-Blood Prince, but since I had long read it, this time it really hit me. Especially when Fawkes starts singing, oh God.

Never forget
Anyways, that’s pretty much everything I learned during this re read. There’s probably more but I don’t want to bore you to be honest. Harry Potter will always have a special place in my heart, I actually never EVER EVER re read books. But when it comes to HP, I rarely have a choice.

What about you? Did you ever re read the Harry Potter series? Do you agree with me on these notes, or have something else to add? Please let me know!

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