February wrap up

So I had a pretty shitty month. Let’s just say that right away. I was in a bad place pretty much every day. I hated my job more than ever, my self esteem was beyond low and everything seemed to be falling apart in my life.

All of that translated into me not reading books, which is actually quite common for me. Reading makes me happy, but when I’m down, I’m more of a Netflix person, it takes my mind off more easily as well as faster, so all I did in February was re watch FRIENDS. I’m currently on season 5 and I can’t believe how much I love this show. I just love it, it makes me laugh not matter how many times I watched it (that’s A LOT of times, by the way) and it was the best decision ever. I also started watching Legend of Korra, and I really like it! Not as much as ATLA but it’s getting there, and I’m about to start season 3, so yay!

So, with that being said, it’s pretty understandable why I only read three books this month. It’s a deplorable number, but this year I decided I would never force myself to read, and I’m okay with that. In case you haven’t noticed by the photos, I read every Throne of Glass book there is, so here we go:

Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas
I did a whole review of this, but to sum up, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS BOOK. I love it, I just do. I can’t even manage to put words together when I think of Crown of Midnight. The Chaolaena of it all, the plot twist, the drama, the EVERYTHING. I just can’t, that’s that. Go read my full review for more.

Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas
Beware: HOF is a slow book. Especially in comparison to Crown of Midnight. We’re introduced to a whole lot of new characters, countries and tricks, but still the pace is slow and nothing really happens until the last 150 pages or so. Apart from that, props to Sarah J. Maas for conveying boy/girl friendships without the romance that usually follow in YA novels (of course this aspect is completely destroyed in the next book and I hate her for it), but I still like that she gives friendships the importance they deserve.

Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas
I wish this book didn’t exist. I wish this just a joke. Unfortunately, it’s not. It’s like Maas creates characters, gets bored with them, and have them completely change just like that. I’m no talking about character development; I’m talking COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CHARACTERS. That’s not Chaol, Maas; that’s not Aelin, not Rowan, not ANYONE. Also, thanks for ruining Aelin and Rowan’s friendship by making them horny for each other. It was an awkward- incredibly-unnecessary-out-of-the-blue relationship and I hate it. The only reason I gave this 3 stars was because of Manon and Dorian’s storylines, the only two that saved this book for me. BRING MY CHAOL BACK, OK?

What did you read this month? Did you get to read a good amount of them? Which one was your favorite?
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