Am Currently ~ personal update thingy

Hello there, peeps! I am alive, in case you were wondering. I was still quite active these days on Instagram, but I left my blog on the side for a few (3) weeks.

Why? An incredibly amount of reasons. Number 1: I started a new job, which takes 9 hours of my life off. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but it doesn’t leave much for book blogging. Number 2: I’m lazy. Number 3: I didn’t know what to write about. Number 4: I’m lazy.

Moving on, I was looking for blogs and posts inspiration here in the book blogging community, and I landed on the amazingly awesome Paper Fury. I have a lot of common ~things with Cait, particularly the fact that we are both strict readers (my review average is 3.7, sorry). With that being said, I was going through her blog and I found this tag #amcurrently, which I’m doing right now, because a) I’ve been MIA for a while, b) You don’t really know much about me and c) I love lists. Also, check out Cait’s blog, she’s just as amazing as I’m telling you, and then some.

Anyways, LET’S DO IT!

NAME: my full mysterious name is Micaela, pronounced Mee-kah-eh-lah where I live. You can pronounce my name any way you want though, since I won’t be hearing you anyways. HA!

YOU CAN CALL ME: Mica (Mee-kah), Your Majesty, Harry Potter Weirdo, Watches Too Many Cartoons For a 22 year old.

ORIGIN: I’m from Uruguay, you can click if you don’t know where that is. Also half Italian. Also a Slytherin and a Firebender, so watch out.

THEM HAIR AND EYES: my hair is brown and my eyes are light brown. I tan easily but I still let my white skin be white, since I have an irrational fear of cancer.

RIGHT OR LEFT: always go right, yo

FAVORITE TV SHOWS: all of them. But mostly: ATLA, Legend of Korra, Gravity Falls (I warned you about cartoons), anything by Shonda Rhimes, PLL, Once upon a time and I’m stopping now because I can go on forever.

FAVORITE BOOKS: not gonna happen

CAREER: I’m currently an Instagramer and blogger, though in real life I’m a Digital Creative in an advertising agency.

WHAT ABOUT GOD?: doesn’t exist in my book

WORDS TO DESCRIBE YOU: feminist, vegetarian, reader and awkward as fuck.

  • Lately I’ve been noticing how much I zone out. People talk to me and I can’t for the life of me stay in the conversation for more than thirty seconds. Work meetings are the worst because I probably look like I’m paying attention but chances are, I’m not. Welp.

  • I feel like I should be doing more with my life, but I’m not. 

  • I’m thinking about buying a camera already. I’ve been using my boyfriend’s ever since I started bookstagram and book blogging but I feel like I’m overusing my use (or something), so I’m buying one. With my money, which I don’t have a lot of it.

  • I’m currently thinking, self-published authors should pay more attention to my blog/Instagram before sending unrequested books for review. Please check my review policy, thank you.

  • I overthink everything, which is also part of the reason I’ve been thinking a lot about my anxiety disorder. I’m thinking I hate it and I want it gone. 


  • Now I’m thinking if I buy that camera I won’t be buying books for a while, SINCE I’LL BE IN DEBT.

  • My boyfriend’s existence (awwwww)

  • ILLUSTRATORS: I love thee. My drawing skills are next to horrible so I love people who can draw pretty things and then sell them to me. Current favorites: Frannerd, Taryn Knight and Gemma Correll.

  • BOOKSTAGRAM! I’m not the most popular doll in there but I still enjoy it and stuff. You can follow me here

  • E-books: mostly not out of choice, mostly because I’m broke and e-books tend to be cheaper. So yeah, e-books. 

  • MY REAL JOB: this never happened. This is the first time I like my job. This is a milestone, you should be celebrating on my behalf with a 5 second dance party right now, while you read this. Go. 

  • My Adidas: I never take them off. Ever. I SLEEP WITH MY ADIDAS ON.

  • Paper Fury’s Wattpad story, go read it now and thank me later.

  • Cake, just cake.
  • Money issues, but it’s okay, I was born with them.

  • My currently reading book, Glass Sword. Ugh, I’m 50% in and I hope it gets better (but it won’t).

  • PARENTS STEALING MONEY FROM ME (yes, that's a thing)

  • The fact I stopped running and exercising altogether. Next weekend, I promise.

  • My photo skills. It’s weird because Instagram is all about photography but I never had a good relationship with it, so there.

  • The fact I can’t stop buying stuff on Etsy. Do not enter Etsy. Do not. You will spend all your money and then get pregnant and die. Hope you got that Mean Girls reference otherwise, get out.

You will

What about you? What are you currently something? If you do this thing, let me know, and visit Cait’s blog, since I got this from there. Also, follow me on Instagram and comment on this! But only if you like it ‘cause I can’t handle criticism, ha.
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  1. Omgggg SO THIS COMPLETELY MADE MY DAY. LET ME HUG YOU AND GIVE YOU CAKE. And hello. I should probably say hello first. *nods* (Also thanks for the bloggly shout out. :') You are so niiiiice.) Also I'm shrieking that you like my wattpad story. THAT JUST FAJSKDLAD I CANNOT EVEN IT IS SO NICE TO HEAR. Ahem.

    So. Also this post is entirely relatable. (Anxiety disorder?! Me tooooo. *cries with you*)

    And I honestly think self-published authors really live in a different world sometimes. -_- It doesn't take much to search people's blogs first before sending requests. I have to ALL CAP my no-signs. *sighs* Also instagram is life. <3 And cameras are awesome. But expensive. BUT AWESOME. I bought mine at the end of last year and best. decision. ever. :D The not-being-able-to-afford-books is a slightly boo downside though. gah. I NEED TO FIND A GOLDMINE ACTUALLY.

    Also congrats on a job you're enjoying! Even if it is eating all your time. So with that goldmine, let's find a time machine right?!? XD


      I'm shrieking that you think I'm nice and also yes I DO love your Wattpad story and I would read anything written by you *grabby hands*. Sorry it took me so long to reply this, I'm lazy and stuff but I'm working on it!

      Let's be anxious and find a time machine AND a goldmine together okay? okay

  2. Hi Sharm! Oh I always wanted to visit India it sounds so interesting and overall awesome! I would love to visit The Quiet People blog, thanks for the rec :)

  3. AHHH Why have I never visited your blog before?? It's so lovely!
    Thanks for stopping by @ Adventuring Through Pages! I'm definitely sticking around yours. :D


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