5 reasons you should be reading Mistborn

Oh look, I missed my Sunday post schedule, AGAIN. Someday, I will put my laziness aside and actually commit to my blog schedule. Anyways, what are you guys up to? Reading some good books? Probably yes, unlike me, since I’m stuck with a stupid book and my DO NOT DNF rule. Yes that book is Glass Sword I’m sorry Red Queen stans I tried.

If you are reading a good book, and that book isn’t a part of the Mistborn trilogy, then please, PUT IT ASIDE BECAUSE IT IS NOT WORTHY. Why? I’m going to tell you why right now, actually. Original post title: "5 reasons why you should be reading Mistborn instead of whatever you are about to read next, because no book will ever be this good. Stop whatever you’re doing, read these reasons, go order Mistborn. Bye”. 

1. The world building

There’s some interesting world building scenarios and then there’s Mistborn. I’m not saying all your fantasy reads aren’t as good in the world building case, except yeah I actually am. But really, Brandon Sanderson (aka King of Life) created a whole new world full of intrigue, political stuff and individuals with super powers (I’ll get to that soon enough).

Imagine Earth, now picture it with ash falling from the sky pretty much 24/7, mist creeping up at night and a horrible ruler to vanquish (at first that is, muahahahaha). That’s the Final Empire for you all sweet summer children. And it is so incredibly well written and described you actually believe this world could exist. Although that would suck ass, to be honest.

Also, everything exists for a reason. Nothing is given by chance so PAY ATTENTION.

2. The characters

You know when you’re reading and find yourself mumbling “MY BABIES” every two pages? Yes, that’s Mistborn for ya.

Let’s start with our heroine and my personal favorite: Vin. Vin is someone you just can’t help but root for her. She’s that amazing. She’s an underdog with a lot to gain from the aventure ahead of her, quite a badass lady and also super stubborn and mistrusting which makes perfect sense given the fact her life was unpleasant to say the least.

Then there’s MY BABY Elend Venture LET ME HUG YOU AND KISS YOU AND PROTECT YOU FROM EVERYTHING. That’s all you get of Elend, bye.

The thieving crew: a crew of awesomeness led by our main character Kelsier. Criminal mastermind, sassy dude and overall an amazing person. It’s not your typical leader which makes him even more entertaining to read. His lines were always the funniest and you’ll laugh out loud. Hopefully.

Also: remember the name Sazed. Enough said.

3. The writing

Sometimes reading a fantasy novel can feel like the author is throwing new information at you every two seconds thus ending in you feeling completely overwhelmed and confused. Sanderson avoids this, and that’s one of the best aspects of the trilogy.

Sanderson has a magnificent way of introducing world building details and complexities within that world and its inhabitants without falling in the info-dump spiral of doom I just told you about. Guys, we’re talking about three books of about 700+ pages, so yeah.

The writing is fast paced, detailed and with a lot of information without it ever feeling like it’s too much. And that’s because there’s A LOT to love and cry about. Oh yeah, you’ll cry. (I didn’t really because nothing makes me cry but I bet you’re not all robots like me, so).

4. You'll never know what's coming

You won’t. And even if you think you do, you don’t know. Game of Thrones also has this, but to be honest I found it a little bit too much. I think Mistborn finds a balance between GOTCHA moments and excessive cliffhangers that leave you in a bad mood.

It is incredibly refreshing to read something and have no idea what’s to come. I jumped from conclusion to conclusion every few chapters and it was an awesome feeling that kept me reading late at night, and I’m not a night owl at all.

5. You will be sucked into another void of obsession 

And who doesn’t enjoy that, huh?
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  1. I'm so desperate to read this series! As a fantasy fan it seems to be a must. And I'm always on the look-out for good worldbuilding (right now I'd say Game of Thrones has ruined me for all other fantasy).

    Thanks for stopping by Ink, Inc.! :)

    1. You should TOTALLY read Mistborn! GOT tends no make you feel as no other fantasy will ever be that good but trust me, Mistborn is THAT good. Give it a go! ;)

  2. yessss, I totally agree! I've read The Final Empire but not the rest and I NEED TO FIX THAT. I have Well of Ascension out from my library, actulaly. *shrieks* Aaaand I just finished Steelheart, so I 1000% agree with the fact that Brandon Sanderson is a WIZARD GENIUS KING WRITER. I love it. I love how he does his plot twists (and you're so right; they don't leave you as gutted/devastated as GRRM's do. XD) And Vin is amazing and I love Kelsier and ELEND OF COURSE. :')

    1. Omg but the last two ARE THE BEST! Seriously if you liked The Final Empire you'll love the rest even more. I need more Sanderson books in my life *spends life savings on his books*

  3. You listed the characters as a reason. I'm off to read this series.
    Do I need to be sucked into another 'void of obsession' in the middle of my degree? No, but why should that stop me?

    1. Oh yessssss, just let yoruself go, it's worth it!


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