Why I quit my Goodreads reading challenge

Yep, I finally did it. Every year I think “I’m not doing this again”, but then, I actually complete the challenge and fall into the same trap again. It’s like a drug, it’s like chocolate! And two days ago, after also quitting Glass Sword, I went to Goodreads and quit the hell out of that challenge.

Me finishing a challenge
By the way, I was 10 books behind schedule, and I set myself a goal of 50 books this year. That stupid widget kept looking at me every time I logged in! It was like a constant reminder that I should be reading in order to complete this year’s challenge. And then it hit me: since when I read because I should

For me, it was always about reading for pleasure, so this realization hit me like a rock. Also, I’m a very competitive and anxious person, so imagine my rage every time I saw the “10 books behind schedule” notice. UGHHHHH. I’m making a list now because I KNOW YOU LOVE LISTS, I LOVE THEM TOO OKAY?

Why I quit my Goodreads reading challenge, THE LIST:

1. Like I said above, I felt like I was reading faster and faster just so I could reach my goal. I even stuck with a book I was not enjoying at all just to click the “I finished this book!” button. Reading for pleasure was something I’ve lost along the way, and I hated that.

2. I avoided longer books. Even though I did read the last one from the Mistborn series (700+ pages), I knew this was going to make me fall behind my goal. And when I quit, I knew I would savor long books like they should be. I love long books by the way, they make me feel SO BADASS.

3. I just simply accepted I don’t have the time I had when I was 17 (when I did my first Goodreads challenge). Back then, I was home by five and even though I had to study, I didn’t feel as tired as I feel now that I have a full time job, and get home by 8 PM. And by 8 PM, all I want is to eat dinner, watch Netflix and stay in bed until I fall asleep. I have a very exciting life as you can see.

4. I’m now dedicating a considerable amount of time on blogging and bookstagram. I know it doesn’t seem like a lot, but I only have weekends to take pictures for the whole week, and then actually writing a blog post worth your time!

5. Finally, I don’t care how many books I read in a year. I applaud people who get to read like 300 books. You are machines to me and deserve an award or something!

And that’s that. Now, what about you? Did you ever quit your yearly reading challenge? How does it feel? Would you ever do it again?

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  1. Uhh number one is terrible!! If that little challenge widget is making you not enjoy the books to their full potential, then it's a good thing you got rid of that thing! As for me, I decided to do it the other way round... this year I gave myself a really easy challenge (12 books) and guess what? It's a measly 12 books, so I'm done already... haah!! that's cheating, I know, but oh well... who cares!!

    Number three on the other hand, I can empathize with completely! But I agree that it really doesn't matter how many books we read at the end of the day. We read because we love to read (at least I'd like to believe that's why we read), and anyway, quality wins over quantity, in my opinion. Whether it's a small book or a big book, 5 books or 500... I want to be able to say I read some great books and learned a ton, cried my eyes out for the poor characters, and that's about it!

    1. EXACTLY, we read because we love to read and it's okay if some people find joy in knowing they read 300 books in a year but for some (hi) it's just a lot of unnecessary stress :)

  2. Ohh, I know EXACTLY how you're feeling. There's not enough hours in the day to stay up to date with everything and it gets so monotonous after a while. At the end of the day, you just want to put your feet up and relax. Blogging and bookish activities like Instagram should be fun, but if you push yourself you end up in a funk. My Goodreads challenge is pretty low by my reading standards, but it's the only challenge I do really and don't care either way. I might read around 100 per year, but 300 is impossible if you want to have a life really. I think the trick is to slow down and do it all at your own pace. Great discussion poppet, really enjoyed it <3

    1. I know right? And in my case bookish activities can turn into an obsession pretty easily, since I'm a very competitive person (even with myself!), and as soon as I start to fall behind on my challenges I get really grumpy and overall annoying, lol. I'm glad you enjoyed this post lovely :)

  3. I personally don't use goodreads. I set my own goals for reading, but, as you said, not having a widget constantly shoved in your face saying "You haven't read enough this year" really takes the pressure off of your challenges. I enjoy goals and how they help me get stuff done, but if they add stress to something that is usually enjoyable, I won't aim for them.

    1. Stress is the worst in any situation, worst of all if it's something you usually enjoy so I 100% get your no Goodreads policy :(

  4. I am failing my challenge miserably. And I mean miserably. I only wanted to read 12 books, and I have yet to finish one. I don't feel like reading, and when I do feel like reading, I want to read long books, but then I feel like I won't get as many read if I do that... so I end up not reading any at all.

    I totally understand where you're coming from. I don't think I'm going to bother with the challenge next year.

    1. Ughhh failing challenges is the worst! You shouldn't let the pressure take the enjoyment out of something you like though. Hope that reading slump goes away :)

  5. I quit my goal last year 🙂 I was quite busy with my school duties and homeworks and I definitely didn't appreciate seeing "You are behind" every time I logged in. So I quit and read at my own pace. Great discussion, Mica!

    1. Seeing that you are behind thingy is the WORST. And thanks lovely :D

  6. It'll be my very first time this year to actually participate in the Goodreads Reading Challenge, but I don't particularly care whether or not I complete it. xD For one, I usually use the mobile version of Goodreads so the widget doesn't stare at me when I open my feed 100% of the time. I also "challenged" myself to read 50 books this year which is a bit sneaky because I always finish around 50 books every year. xD Sometimes even more. Which is better because YAY OVERACHIEVING.

    I am also envious of those who can read over a hundred books a year. Are all of their books full-length novels? Are some comic books?? Mangas?! HOW DO THEY EVEN READ 300 BOOKS?!?

    1. I've seen people read over 400 books a year which makes me pretty anxious and also H O W.

      If you don't really care about completing the challenge then it's no harm and could potentially be fun :)


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