My DNF imaginary FAQ

Hello there, cutie pies! How’s life for you? I’m currently preparing to watch the latest episode of Orphan Black (go watch that you if don’t already) before GAME OF THRONES PREMIERES TONIGHT OMG OMG DFHGNDKJFGNFDJKGHDFGHFG *calms self down *

Aaaanyways, yesterday I was listing blog posts ideas and this one came out, mostly because last week I gave up on a book, and that’s really not “normal” for me. I tend not to DNF books, mainly because I’ve been kind of lucky: I seldom feel like I can’t for the life of me finish a book, even if really I hate it. Last time was different, though. I tried and tried to finish the damn book and there was just no way. The book was Glass Sword, by the way, if you don’t already know.

So, with that experienced, I thought I would make a guide on why and when I give up on books. Like I said, it’s not often, but it happens. I was going to make a list, because I’m clearly obsessed with them, but I figured I should change things up (not really) and make a FAQ instead. Let me know how you like it afterwards, I just made up questions I would personally have or ask myself before putting a book down forever.

How many books have you gave up on?

I’m going to trust my Goodreads gave-up-on shelf on this one, and the number is *drum roll * FIFTEEN BOOKS. Now, considering I read about 45-50 books a year it’s really not that big of a deal. If you’re now asking yourselves which fifteen books made it to the list of doom, then head over to the link up there!

How do you handle DNF books on Goodreads? Do you rate or review them?

I just put them of the gave-up-on shelf, I think this shelf was even created by Goodreads but I’m not sure. You can make it yourself if you can’t find it! I don’t really have a rule when it comes to rating DNF books. Sometimes I like to do it because I’m pretty positive I got a good feel of the book and it was just plain awful, so I rate and review it. Other times, I just make a little rant and leave it at that. Those rants obviously make no sense and are 100% biased because I get pretty angry when I spend money and time on a book I had to just quit. I HATE IT. Here’s an example of what a DNF rant looks like, by yours truly:
I tried okay? I tried! I just can't make myself go through this book anymore. I haven’t read this in like two weeks and every time I try to pick it up I just go: "ughhhhhghdiufgjkdf". 
I couldn't stand the plot, couldn't stand the characters, COULDN'T STAND THE WRITING.
I know this has an OMG ending but I just don't care. I. Don't. Care.
And that's that.

Glass Sword (Red Queen, #2) by Victoria Aveyard


How much of a book do you read before you DNF?

I honestly don’t know. I usually just wait for that “I wouldn’t finish this book even if I got paid a billion dollars by a naked Ryan Gosling” feeling, you know?

Would you give an author a second chance after DNF-ing one of her/his books?

It depends, if I had a big problem with the writing, then probably not. If I had a problem with the characters, themes or the genre, then I would consider it. Either way, the chances are not big. I believe authors grow a lot from book to book but that doesn’t mean I would ever read anything by E.L. James ever again in my life.

Is it awkward to DNF popular books?

When you’re in the blog community or bookstagram then yes, it kind of is. People are very protective of the books they love, and that’s okay and also amazing! If you love Red Queen and hate me now, that’s okay too. I would never make myself love a book just because it’s popular, but I also wouldn’t treat fans of the book as if they’re stupid or airheads just because they like it, either. I love you peeps!

So what about you? Do you give up on books often? Or you just stick through it till the end?
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  1. It looks like we have pretty much the same rules for DNFing! Although I've never quite thought of it as "I wouldn’t finish this book even if I got paid a billion dollars by a naked Ryan Gosling" (but that pretty much sums up the feeling). I almost never DNF books, probably because I force myself to get through books unless I'm actually hating them. If I'm just indifferent, I'll complete the book. I´ve only DNFed one book recently (Dash & Lily's Book of Dares), and it was because I found myself thinking that I'd rather read literally ANYTHING ELSE on my bookshelf.

    1. Oh I finished Dash & Lily's Book of Dares through gritted teeth, so I'm with you on that one!

  2. I don't give up on books very often, because I buy most of my books, and I hate feeling like my money's going to waste, haha. And oh please, don't apologize about Glass Sword, ahah. This series isn't really original and I was annoyed during most of my reading of the second book...But everyone has their own taste after all, :)

    1. Yes, exactly! I would never hate on someone for loving a book I dislike :) It's really frustrating to spend money and time on a book you didn't even finish but oh well, you win some you lose some.

  3. Omg omg CAN I PLEASE STAND WITH YOU ON RED QUEEN DISLIKE??!!? *dashes over to your side* XD I literally have noooo idea what that series is well loved and I keep getting told to read the sequel and I'm like "But. No." The first book was painful enough. -_- Ahem.
    I actually REALLY struggle to DNF. I was complaining about this today actually because gahhhh. I mean, I want to??? But what if it gets better??? I also obsess about things I haven't finished, so I usually just skim through it and get the basic gist so my brain will consider it done. :P And if I DO have to DNF, I read at least 100-pages. But I haven't DNF'd anything so far this year! Although, I mean, what's better? DNF review or a 1-star review? I honestly have no idea.
    I loved how you did this discussion with the FAQ part. SO AWESOME AND FUN. :D


      I also obsess about "what if it gets good?" scenario A LOT. I even find myself googling spoilers about a book I don't even care about just to see how it ends, lol.

      And thank youuu, I always try to think of different ways to make posts original, my minds tends to explode soon after that.

  4. I give up. I'm such a quitter, but I figure if I'm not enjoying it I just don't want to waste any more time reading a book I won't like and send myself into a book slump. I've just checked and I've marked 67 books as DNF on Goodreads. On top of that 68 have been 'not my thing' as well, so I may have even skimmed a few of those.

    I depends on the book too. Some I've quit after 5 pages because the writing has been terrible. But Most I try to shuffle through to around halfway. I figure if it hasn't piqued my interest by then, then it more than likely won't either. I think the biggest book that's been a DNF for me is The Raven Boys. I plan on trying again one day. But it wasn't for me. At all. Awesome discussion poppet, rally enjoyed it <3

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! And I'm also so surprised you DNF The Raven Boys, since it has MARVELOUS reviews. I didn't read it but it's been in my TBR stack for a while now!

      I admire you for quitting books you don't like right away, I'm somehow in the middle of "HAVE TO FINISH ALL THE BOOKS" and "HAVE TO QUIT ALL THE BOOKS" :P

  5. I usually try to stick it out and finish a book, I'll whine and grumble about it, and poke fun at it, but I usually finish everything I start, even if it takes me a while. Sometimes I'll come across a truly awful book, though, and I don't finish those.

    Thanks for stopping by O Ye Scribes!

    1. Whining about awful books is a great way to deal with them, tbh.

  6. *sighs*
    I give up on a lot of books these days. I start reading and if I'm not pulled in by page number, I don't know... say 67, I give up. I guess reading for me is a way to unwind... so for me there really is not any point in reading a book if I'm not totally loving it... (or at least I'm liking it enough to continue.) I used to be, at one point in my life, a book addict... and I don't say the word "addict" lightly here... I mean, I used to read all and every kind of book I could lay my hands on, and it was to a point where this was seriously affecting my life... I was reading serious adult books at the age of 10(!)... and I was reading like 500-1000 pages a day... May be I read too much too early, without any distinction... so now I'm sort of paying for it. I'm too picky these days... and I don't even know what I'm picky about. A book either clicks or it doesn't. And when it doesn't I give up right away.

    1. 500 PAGES A DAY OH WOOW. And yes, when a book doesn't click it's kind of a bummer but also important to remember that we should be enjoying it not dragging through it just to get it over with!

  7. AWESOME list! especially for a professional DNFer like me! I DID like Red Queen [don't unfriend me!] but I KNOW how what you mean since I DID NOT like the Mortal Instruments [again don't unfriend me!] There is a BUNCH of popular books I DNF! LOL

  8. I've given myself permission to DNF more. My only "review" so far this year was a DNF. And I had a couple more toward the end of 2015 (including *gasp* Crown of Midnight... so I guess that shows that I'm not afraid to DNF popular books).


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