Game of Thrones ~Book Tag

Hi there! Here I am again with a new post. Since Game of Thrones came back last Sunday I figured OH I WONDER IF A GOT BOOK TAG EXISTS. And of course, it exists. This tag was first created by booktuber Claire Rousseau, by the way. I just like to credit stuff.

Without further ado let’s DO IT:

1. Arya - A character that's all about revenge

Spirit animal
Celaena Sardothien, from the Throne of Glass series OF COURSE. Even though at first she’s a little bit passive, after the second book she’s 100% driven by revenge on the King of Adarlan, a petty ruler who murdered her entire family. She’s also a pretty badass lady, more like Sansa rather than Arya, but still. Nothing says revenge like Celaena’s storyline, to be honest. 

2. Varys - A book featuring political intrigue

That would be Rook by Sharon Cameron. I feel like this book doesn’t receive the love it DESERVES. So much political intrigue, a BADASS, AMAZING main character AND it’s set in a futuristic Revolutionary France, without it falling into dystopian annoying tropes. I mean, Varys would totally read this and flail about it with Tyrion, just saying. 

3. Joffrey - A villain you just love to hate

Sound of a dying shit
I don’t know if I should take this as “this is a villain I fucking hate and want dead so much because of the amazing way she/he's written” or “I love this villain, LOVE HIM/HER, and I don’t know why, am I a psycho?”. So I’m just doing both of them because why not? 

For the first one, freaking DOLORES UMBRIDGE AKA MOST HATED CHARACTER EVER. I can’t think of someone that infuriates me as much as Umbridge. I re read the HP series a few months ago and even though I knew how her story ended I just couldn’t help but WANT TO KILL HER MYSELF. 

And then, for the second one, the much loved by me Adelina from The Young Elites. I LOVE her. She’s the main character and the villain as well, and that’s awesome as fuck. She has some really dark thoughts and plans and I just root for her 100%, I don’t even care. The Young Elites it’s one of my favorite series ever, by the way. 

4. Jon Snow - A coming of age story

He's so pretty
All I can think about here is The Perks of being a Wallflower, which is a super relatable coming of age story if you’re well, a wallflower of sorts. Charlie’s growth is amazing to read and the movie was also fabulous. Also, Jon Snow has to come back to life. So relevant.

5. Jaime & Cersei - A ship you just can't get behind

Why though
There’s no other ship I despise more than Aelin and Rowan from Throne of Glass. I hope SJM is aware of how much she ruined my life when she broke up Celaena and Chaol. ROWAN IS AN ASSHOLE AND USES THE TERM MALE AND FEMALE WHICH FREAK ME OUT I DON’T CARE IF HE’S THE FUCKING QUEEN OF FAIRIES OR WHATEVER. *calms self down*   

6. Lady Olenna - A kickass older character

This contains a lot of Harry Potter already but you know, it’s me writing. McGonagall is the queen of kickass older characters. She practically rules de world with her sassiness and amazing comebacks. She’s like really old and more fit than most of us, so. 

7. Dany - A book featuring dragons

The Hobbit! I only watched the movies though but I don’t want to say Harry Potter and Throne of Glass again. I also think Rick Riordan’s The Lost Hero has a dragon of sorts, if you know what I mean *wink, wink*. OH and I plan on reading Seraphina too, is it good?

8. Sansa - A character you grew to love

Emma from Emma by Jane Austen 100%. I DNF it the first time I read it because I couldn’t stand Emma, but last year I picked it up again and I loved the book and grew to love her as well. Where my Jane Austen stans at?

9. Melisandre - A favourite magic system

All men must comment this post
There can only be one answer to this and that’s HARRY POTTER. I’m sorry, everything is Harry Potter but I just can’t pick anything else on this one. i want to be a witch, go to Hogwarts, learn magic, HAVE A WAND, GO TO CLASSES, BE AN AUROR, EVERYTHIIIINGGGG. 

10. Tyrion - A character whose weapon is their mind

None other than ANNABETH CHASE, queen of intelligence and just my favorite HBIC. GO ANNABETH LET'S SAVE THE WORLD WITH OUR MINDS.

Now let’s talk! Do you agree with these? Tell me which ones you would choose! 
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  1. Your blog is so pretty Mica! *heart eyes*
    I love Harry Potter and I use it for almost everything too *high five*
    And yes, Celaena is pretty badass! :D

  2. Oh, there's no revenge like Celaena revenge! Couldn't' agree more. I must admit though I like her and Rowan together, for now. I think she needs that time with him to appreciate Chaol all the more. But the end game, she has to end up with Chaol. HAS. TO. Surely she couldn't leave us all heartbroken could she? Great tag Mica, really enjoyed it <3

    1. Omg my Chaol/Celaena hopes are so down right now all I feel when Rowan appears is HATRED. Hopefully SJM will have mercy on us all and make Chaolaena endgame <3

  3. I DESPISE DOLORES UMBRIDGE. I think she's just so AWFUL because her evil is so much more tangible than Voldemort's, especially kids reading it for the first time. Even if they're oblivious to the more widespread evils, they've probably met an adult as awful as Umbridge. And I'm glad to hear you liked Emma so much! I loved Pride & Prejudice and Persuasion, but when I picked up Emma, I could only get about 60 pages into it. I know I'm going to pick it up again eventually, though, and I hope I like it as much as you did!

    1. You should pick it up again, especially if you're into Austen books. I totally loved it the second time around! And yes UMBRIDGE BURN BURN BURN.

  4. OMG THIS IS THE BEST TAG EVER AND I LOVE YOUR ANSWERS. And I'm so so happy you feel that way about Aelin and Rowan! I honestly have permanently quit on the series (um, unless something good happens in bk 5 and someone tells me Chaol comes back) because of SJM breaking up Chaol/Aelin. BUT NOW AEILIN DOESN'T EVEN DESERVE HIM. *stomps foot* Plus Rowan is a creep. Argh. I'm so mad.
    (Although, random confession...ahem...I...ship Cersei and Jaime. I KNOW. I'M ASHAMED OF ME TOO. I also ship Jaime and Brienne though, so.) XDXD

    Yayy for MacGongall! She deserves ALL the love. XD

    Also Perks is amazing. <3 And Jon Snow is amazing. <3 So I highly approve of that combo.

    1. I also kind of don't mind Jaime and Cersei, I think you just get used to it, lol. The only reason I'm not quitting on that series is JUST IN CASE Chaol makes an appearance, tbh.

      I'm pissed that the attention went from Chaol/Celaena/Dorian to Rowan/Aelin/whatever her cousin's name is. It's like SJM gets bored of her own characters and it's so INFURIATING MAKE HER STOP *calms self down*


  5. YAAAAY I enjoyed this post so much. Love all the gifs!!! because GoT is everything that is good in this universe and all universes. Only matched by... Harry Potter. So I'm not surprised about all the HP characters :) great post

    1. Oh yes, this comment is perfection! Go GOT and HP!!

  6. Aahh this makes me want to do another tag post! I love your answers for #3 and #6, because yes, I despise Umbirdge. I mean, of course Voldemort want to wipe out the entire muggle-born race and he does it blatantly, but Umbridge is just pure sneaky and two-face with all that pretend outfit and room decoration.
    And McGonagall, she will live forever I'm sure of it.
    I think when I'm doing this tag I'll have Harry Potter in all the answers. I'd say Hermione is my choice for #10 :P
    Great post!

    1. DO ITTTTT

      I worked really hard to prevent this form turning into a Harry Potter post, lol


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