The Most Dreaded Moment: when you pick the wrong ship 

Hello peeps! I’ve been kind of MIA in the blogger world, mostly because I’ve been suffering tendinitis, meaning my left arm hurt like hell every time I moved it, mostly when (yes) I TYPED

This has been going on for two weeks now. My last post was even handwritten and then typed in by my mom (thanks mom), because no pain killer was working. I was prescribed some other medication for five days, so I wanted that to do its job before typing this much again. 

Fortunately I finished my meds yesterday and the pain seems to be gone for now! *cheers from afar*. Also, some big changes are happening here soon, so stay tuned for that. Or not.

Anyways, let’s get to today’s post, which is a bit of a discussion and also a problem for me and pretty much every person alive: choosing the wrong ship. To be honest, I never fitted in any ship category, meaning the “I always ship canon” and “I never ship canon” ones. I tend to just go with my personal preferences on personality and chemistry thingys. 

BUT, when you choose the WRONG ship, meaning the author made you feel like these babies where perfect for each other and would live and die together FOREVER and then RUIN IT? Shit goes down. 

I’m just going to make this clear from the go: Sarah J. Maas: I’m talking to you. Still not over you breaking Chaolaena up. Okay? Okay. *breathes in and out*

So, choosing the wrong ship goes something like this (by the way the numbers on Love Interests don’t mean the appear that way chronologically, just saying):

Main Character meats Love Interest 1. They have chemistry, they either get along pretty well or not at all, but you have that feeling that they’ll probably end up together. You start shipping them. You start shipping them HARD.

Meanwhile, Love Interest 2 is just roaming around, may or may not be interested in Main Character (for now). And then, THEN something happens. 


Probably because one of these stupid reasons: 
  1. MC has second thoughts on Love Interest 1, just cause.
  2. Love Interest 1 does something stupid MC can’t forgive.
Worst part is: you don’t know if this is temporary. If your MC’s just going through stuff and will eventually go back to Love Interest 1 or jUST STAY IN LOVE INTEREST 2’S SHIP AND THAT’S THAT.

You feel alone, you feel stupid. YOU FEEL BETRAYED. Worst part: you have to actually read through MC and LI 2’s romance parts and it hurts. It’s also pretty disgusting. You give up on life, hopefully not on the book. This is you through the whole thing:

Please tell me you relate to this? I know people tend to avoid love triangles altogether but sometimes you don’t even SEE the triangle coming. Again, SJM: I’m looking at you. 
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  1. We should have a book bloggers suffering from tendinitis club. I got it two months ago in my left hand and I've been SLOWLY recovering. It definitely slowed up my blogging for a while. But I'm glad to see you back!

    I definitely relate to this post, but the thing is, as the main character moves towards Love Interest 2, I tend to move with them, if that makes sense? Like I can't think of a time in this situation when I've supported Love Interest 1 all the way through. I never end up hating them, but I pretty much always end up preferring the person the main character ends up with. Maybe that's good, because I never end up devastated. (And it's REALLY bothering me that I can't think of any specific examples that did devastate me, because I know there have been some.)

    1. I actually almost never go through this either, but recently it's like it's been happening A LOT and I'm distressed! Let me know when this bloggers with tendinitis club opens, I can be vice president for sure lol

  2. *cries because Chaoleana* Honestly I've basically quit on SJM's books now. :( I KNOW I'M AWFUL, but I feel like her style really changed and she massively changed all the characters?! Like in the first books Celana would've done anything to protect Chaol and Dorian because THEY WERE FRIENDS and she loved them. And then in QoS she's like "eh, who cares?" I CARE. WUT IS GOING ON HERE. *bursts into tears*
    Actually picking the wrong ship (ergo watching it crash and burn) often ruins a series for me. xD Totally happened in the Shadow & Bone series too, oops. XD

    1. I agree with everything here! I'm just going on with the TOG series because I want to know how the hell it ends, but it bothers me so much how IT CHANGED, without any specific reasons. It's like SMJ gets bored of her characters and makes up new ones, leaving the originals BEHIND.

      I wish we could go back to Chaol, Dorian and Celaena being the main characters and kicking ass, kind of like Harry/Ron/Hermione, you know?

      Also, Shadow & Bone series: never hated a pairing as much as I hate Alina/Mal, for God's sake WHAT DO YOU SEE IN HIM.

  3. Initially I shipped Thomas and Teresa from The Maze Runner. It's slightly a wrong ship, as turns out, Brenda came along. I get that Thomas and Teresa were probably never meant to be a couple, but their relationship was so nice, tbh. I wasn't mad when eventually they remained as friends, although almost hardly, but I felt a tiny of bit disappointment for sure.
    And then I think we all were massively confused when J.K. Rowling said Hermione was supposed to end up with Harry. WHAT EVEN?! I believe there's an elaborate reason behind it, but still, when the quote came out we went crazy.

    1. I never read The Maze Runner but I 100% get the frustration. When I was like 13 I used to ship Harry/Hermione, actually, which is pretty hilarious to me now :P

  4. I toally understand your frustration! It can completely ruin a book series for me if my ship is sinking. I know there's more to a book than the ships, but it's important to me! :)
    I'm kind of okay with Rowan in ToG, though I do somehow still have hope for Chaolaena. I would have preferred if Rowan stayed a friend, and I do have mixed feelings about what happened in Queen of Shadows, but I still do love the series as a whole and I am excited about Empire of Storms.

    1. I'm also still SUPER excited about Empire of Storms! I can't stand Rowan tbh, I think if he stayed a friend it would have send a good message on girl/boy friendship so that's why his relationship with Aelin annoys me so much :(


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