How I got #CursedChild tickets without really trying (lies) OR the Friday Forty.

Hello, hello! I come today, on the day of Harry Potter and JK Rowling's birthday and the release day of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child script book with an interesting post. YES I GOT TICKETS FOR THE CURSED CHILD YES I’M FLYING ALL THE WAY TO THE UK JUST TO WATCH IT AND YES I’M TELLING YOU HOW I SOLD MY SOUL FOR THESE TICKETS. *calms self down*. 

First, a few disclaimers of sorts. These tickets are expensive, you will have to trust on luck a lot, you will probably cry or scream in frustration while trying to get them. 

And now, let’s proceed to HOW MICA GOT CURSED CHILD TICKETS AND DIDN’T DIE IN THE PROCESS. This post is probably common knowledge, but I just wanted to make itt so if you hate idec.

1. The before

Believe it or not, by the time I decided I wanted to go to London and watch this freaking play, all dates were already sold out. ALL OF THEM. The show runs until May 2017 (as of today) and not one date had a seating. 

My plan was on 2017 from the begging. Flying and staying in London was already a huge amount of money I had to save and above all I needed time. With this is mind, I knew the Friday Forty wouldn’t be an option, I NEEDED TO PLAN MY TRIP GODDAMN IT. 

If you’re now asking yourself: “How the hell did you ordinary human being got tickets WITHOUT entering the Friday Forty?”, let me tell you a secret: tickets newsletter. This newsletter exists so when new tickets come up, most probably returned tickets, you'll be the first to know and so hold a better chance at getting them once they get out. This doesn't mean they guarantee your tickets but it's as close as it gets with this play.


2. The waiting

I think I signed up to the newsletter somewhere around mid May, I honestly can't remember exactly. Anyways, my hopes were pretty down to be honest. I already knew tickets sold out in like a minute every time they released more, so I was trying not to get my hopes up. I always fail spectacularly in this department BUT I TRIED.

This pretty bookmark is from Nook & Burrow

So, tickets would be released at 1 pm London time, meaning 9 am Mica's time. This was actually not convenient because since I have to be at work at 9:30, at 9 I would be commuting. You have no idea the anxiety and stress it meant to acknowledge this, but more into that later.

3. Getting the tickets, a commute.

I usually wake up at 7:30 on weekdays, but I set my alarm at 6 am that day. This turned out to be completely unnecessary. If you get into the website before the time they release the tickets, you'll just get to a loooong queue that will get you nowhere. I didn't know this BUT NOW YOU DO, so you're welcome.

I take the bus to work at 8:05, it was 8 am and I decided to leave my queue on my computer and start a new one on my cellphone. At this point, there was around 3.000 people in front of me YOU READ THAT RIGHT. I was bummed, there was no way in hell I was going to get tickets now. I was this close to give up on the whole thing, but I didn't.

I commuted the whole way to work looking at my phone, I probably looked like a looney to must people but it's Harry Potter so who cares. And then, just when I was about to get to my stop THERE WERE LIKE 5 PEOPLE IN FRONT ME. I took my credit card faster than a a cheetah.

When it was finally my turn, I was getting off the first bus I and getting into the second. Trust me, my stress levels were HIGH. I got into the second bus, looked at my phone and TADAH! TICKETS WERE FREAKING AVAILABLE FOR MY REQUIRED DATE. But wait...

At this point tears were already a thing

Tears of blood run down my eyes. I got an ERROR page, and ACTUAL ERROR PAGE WHILE BUYING MY TICKETS. Why did I do? I refreshed the page. I figured what the hell, I lost my spot on the queue anyways, let's give it another try.

This time I had around 200 people in front of me, which probably meant lots of others got the error page, or it was already sold out and people were abandoning the line. I almost drop out of it too, but for some forsaken reason I stayed with my phone clutched in my hands and my credit card as ready as a credit card can be.

And then, it finally happened. I SELECTED MY DATE, I SELECTED THE AVAILABLE SEATING (be prepared for them to be the most expensive, which is £130 per ticket for both parts), GOT MY CREDIT CARD NUMBER (wrong at the first try, I was really freaking out ok?), AND:

So much bliss I cried for half an hour straight


By the way, I just got an email that the next released tickets will be available August 4th for showings up to December 2017 in case anyone is interested!

Mica's guide to reading classics

Hi there! Mica here. I’ve been in a kind of hectic week, trying to figure out how the hell to use my new camera (which I hate and had to come back to my boyfriend’s). I’m really considering selling it because I CAN’T STAND IT. This is something that happens to me very often: buying things and then be like BUT I HATE IT. Yep.

Moving on, I recently uploaded a Jane Austen book on my Instagram, and a lot of you commented on how hard it is to get into classics in general, and even Austen herself, so I figured maybe I could do a blogpost on this. 

I actually been into classics for a lot of time, mainly because I approached them just as books, not "OMG A CLASSIC SO HARD, SO SCHOOLISH, GET IT AWAY FROM ME”, you know? YA KNOW.

I don’t remember the first classic I read because it would be like remembering the first contemporary book I’ve read or something like that. I was also short on money when I was a kid, so that meant I went through my mom’s bookshelf and read what I could find, which were mostly classics. 

But enough about this, let’s get into this awesome guide to get into classics by yours truly. YOU BETTER GO READ SOME CLASSICS AFTER THIS MISSY/MISTER! 

Little disclaimer: I’m not a classics expert, I haven’t read them all, I don’t read them that often either so don’t hate on me if this bonkers please, bye.

1. Start small 
If you’re intimidated by classics in general, imagine having a 700+ pages book in front of you from the go. That’s a big no-no. Don’t feel like a cop out just because you start on short books, or even short stories! Classics have a way of making you feel enriched and kind of awesome afterwards, even if it’s a 100 pages story. 

I recommend: Frankenstein (273 pages), The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde (144 pages) and Antigone (80 pages). 

2. Read what you know
You know that saying “write what you know”? I feel it translates well into reading classics. Even if you never picked up one, you know SOMETHING about one classic or the other. You will also be very surprised about how much they differ from pop culture’s take on it. 

3. Be patient 
You have to be patient in many ways when reading classics. Firstly, they may take a while to read. I don’t know why but classics take me more time to finish. And second: you may struggle finding an author or a genre to stick with. Just like with books in general, you may not love the first classic you pick up, and that’s okay. 

To avoid frustration, I recommend action packed classics: Journey to the Center ofthe Earth, The Diary of a Young Girl and The Old Man and the Sea

4. And finally: choose classics as you would regular books
We all have a favorite genre, author or theme. Most of the time we stick to that when choosing what to read next, and with classics that is no exception. There are so many genres and themes explored in classic literature you would be amazed by it. 

When you do make yourself comfortable reading classics, THEN I urge you to stay out of your comfort zone and read them as they come. I avoid romance books like the plague, but Jane Austen’s books are my favorites!

Based on genre, I recommend: 
Romance: Emma, Madame Bovary and Little Women

So that’s that! Hopefully this guide will help you if you really want to get into classics but don’t know where to start. I repeat, I’m not an expert, I just read a lot. As one does.

If you read classics, do you think these are good points? If you don't, would you give them a chance now?

Hello, Pastel Books

Hello once again, everybody! If you’re wondering who the hell am I or where I’ve been this whole time, it’s time I tell you a story.

First off, it’s me, Mica, from Bookiverse. I had to change my username for several reasons I’ll explain right now. It was something I’ve had in my mind for like two months now, and something along the way triggered me to do it right away. Here’s everything that went down, chronologically:

I was happy with Bookiverse, it was something that came up to me when opening up my Instagram account and I loved it right away. I used it for almost a year, and then, I couldn’t anymore. Turned out, Bookiverse already existed. It’s an online library of sorts, kind of like a bookish forum. I first found out about it when I decided to buy a domain name and ditch the

You should probably take this into consideration before naming your blog and, worse, getting attached to it. Because Bookiverse wasn’t only a domain name that was already taken, it’s a registered trademark. Meaning that I couldn’t use it as my own in any way, unless I was planning on getting a cease and desist letter (spoiler: I wasn’t).

To be honest, I was bummed. I felt like Bookiverse was mine, but turns out, it wasn’t. I spent the next three weeks coming out with a new name I liked, and it was the worst. The few I liked were, again, taken domain names, and I didn’t want to go through the whole Bookiverse drama again.

After a few weeks, someone told me that my aura was probably very pastel colored. It was a drunk person at a party, but for some reason it stuck. The very next day, I knew it: Pastel Books. Was it perfect? No. But I liked it, let myself learn to love it, and I finally do. I bought the domain name almost immediately, to avoid disappointments later on, and so Pastel Books was born.

This was like a month ago, so why, do you ask, it took me so long to use it? Well, simply put: I’m lazy as fuck. I was still kind of attached to Bookiverse, I had to learn how to use that domain name I bought and connect it to my blogspot account, and on top of it all: I had to come with a new header. You should know designing logos is probably on my top five things I hate to do.

Procrastination soon became my friend: “next week, I’ll do it”, “oh, I have that birthday party, maybe next week”, “today, I’ll do it, for sure! Ugh but it’s so pretty outside and this books sounds amazing. Probably next week”. That was me for a whole month.

I wish I could say I finally made myself do all of it, but what prompted me to change my URL was my worst nightmare: an IRL friend found my Instagram account. I know this will seem foolish to some of you, but my anxiety went to the roof. I set my account on private and avoid it at all costs.

It’s not that I’m embarrassed to be a book lover or anything. My friends know I like to read; they just don’t know how much. This is my world. It’s my special place to be in, and my friends just don’t get it. They probably never will, and that’s fine, but I didn’t want to share any of it.

So, when that happened, I ask my friend to ignore it completely and never talk tome about it ever again. She (hopefully) understood, and so I finally changed my username. And that is that.

Quite a story, I told you!

So, do you like Pastel Books? If you think it’s stupid just tell me, I’LL ONLY SMACK YOU WITH A BOOK or something!

The Most Dreaded Moment: when you pick the wrong ship 

Hello peeps! I’ve been kind of MIA in the blogger world, mostly because I’ve been suffering tendinitis, meaning my left arm hurt like hell every time I moved it, mostly when (yes) I TYPED

This has been going on for two weeks now. My last post was even handwritten and then typed in by my mom (thanks mom), because no pain killer was working. I was prescribed some other medication for five days, so I wanted that to do its job before typing this much again. 

Fortunately I finished my meds yesterday and the pain seems to be gone for now! *cheers from afar*. Also, some big changes are happening here soon, so stay tuned for that. Or not.

Anyways, let’s get to today’s post, which is a bit of a discussion and also a problem for me and pretty much every person alive: choosing the wrong ship. To be honest, I never fitted in any ship category, meaning the “I always ship canon” and “I never ship canon” ones. I tend to just go with my personal preferences on personality and chemistry thingys. 

BUT, when you choose the WRONG ship, meaning the author made you feel like these babies where perfect for each other and would live and die together FOREVER and then RUIN IT? Shit goes down. 

I’m just going to make this clear from the go: Sarah J. Maas: I’m talking to you. Still not over you breaking Chaolaena up. Okay? Okay. *breathes in and out*

So, choosing the wrong ship goes something like this (by the way the numbers on Love Interests don’t mean the appear that way chronologically, just saying):

Main Character meats Love Interest 1. They have chemistry, they either get along pretty well or not at all, but you have that feeling that they’ll probably end up together. You start shipping them. You start shipping them HARD.

Meanwhile, Love Interest 2 is just roaming around, may or may not be interested in Main Character (for now). And then, THEN something happens. 


Probably because one of these stupid reasons: 
  1. MC has second thoughts on Love Interest 1, just cause.
  2. Love Interest 1 does something stupid MC can’t forgive.
Worst part is: you don’t know if this is temporary. If your MC’s just going through stuff and will eventually go back to Love Interest 1 or jUST STAY IN LOVE INTEREST 2’S SHIP AND THAT’S THAT.

You feel alone, you feel stupid. YOU FEEL BETRAYED. Worst part: you have to actually read through MC and LI 2’s romance parts and it hurts. It’s also pretty disgusting. You give up on life, hopefully not on the book. This is you through the whole thing:

Please tell me you relate to this? I know people tend to avoid love triangles altogether but sometimes you don’t even SEE the triangle coming. Again, SJM: I’m looking at you. 

Game of Thrones ~Book Tag

Hi there! Here I am again with a new post. Since Game of Thrones came back last Sunday I figured OH I WONDER IF A GOT BOOK TAG EXISTS. And of course, it exists. This tag was first created by booktuber Claire Rousseau, by the way. I just like to credit stuff.

Without further ado let’s DO IT:

1. Arya - A character that's all about revenge

Spirit animal
Celaena Sardothien, from the Throne of Glass series OF COURSE. Even though at first she’s a little bit passive, after the second book she’s 100% driven by revenge on the King of Adarlan, a petty ruler who murdered her entire family. She’s also a pretty badass lady, more like Sansa rather than Arya, but still. Nothing says revenge like Celaena’s storyline, to be honest. 

2. Varys - A book featuring political intrigue

That would be Rook by Sharon Cameron. I feel like this book doesn’t receive the love it DESERVES. So much political intrigue, a BADASS, AMAZING main character AND it’s set in a futuristic Revolutionary France, without it falling into dystopian annoying tropes. I mean, Varys would totally read this and flail about it with Tyrion, just saying. 

3. Joffrey - A villain you just love to hate

Sound of a dying shit
I don’t know if I should take this as “this is a villain I fucking hate and want dead so much because of the amazing way she/he's written” or “I love this villain, LOVE HIM/HER, and I don’t know why, am I a psycho?”. So I’m just doing both of them because why not? 

For the first one, freaking DOLORES UMBRIDGE AKA MOST HATED CHARACTER EVER. I can’t think of someone that infuriates me as much as Umbridge. I re read the HP series a few months ago and even though I knew how her story ended I just couldn’t help but WANT TO KILL HER MYSELF. 

And then, for the second one, the much loved by me Adelina from The Young Elites. I LOVE her. She’s the main character and the villain as well, and that’s awesome as fuck. She has some really dark thoughts and plans and I just root for her 100%, I don’t even care. The Young Elites it’s one of my favorite series ever, by the way. 

4. Jon Snow - A coming of age story

He's so pretty
All I can think about here is The Perks of being a Wallflower, which is a super relatable coming of age story if you’re well, a wallflower of sorts. Charlie’s growth is amazing to read and the movie was also fabulous. Also, Jon Snow has to come back to life. So relevant.

5. Jaime & Cersei - A ship you just can't get behind

Why though
There’s no other ship I despise more than Aelin and Rowan from Throne of Glass. I hope SJM is aware of how much she ruined my life when she broke up Celaena and Chaol. ROWAN IS AN ASSHOLE AND USES THE TERM MALE AND FEMALE WHICH FREAK ME OUT I DON’T CARE IF HE’S THE FUCKING QUEEN OF FAIRIES OR WHATEVER. *calms self down*   

6. Lady Olenna - A kickass older character

This contains a lot of Harry Potter already but you know, it’s me writing. McGonagall is the queen of kickass older characters. She practically rules de world with her sassiness and amazing comebacks. She’s like really old and more fit than most of us, so. 

7. Dany - A book featuring dragons

The Hobbit! I only watched the movies though but I don’t want to say Harry Potter and Throne of Glass again. I also think Rick Riordan’s The Lost Hero has a dragon of sorts, if you know what I mean *wink, wink*. OH and I plan on reading Seraphina too, is it good?

8. Sansa - A character you grew to love

Emma from Emma by Jane Austen 100%. I DNF it the first time I read it because I couldn’t stand Emma, but last year I picked it up again and I loved the book and grew to love her as well. Where my Jane Austen stans at?

9. Melisandre - A favourite magic system

All men must comment this post
There can only be one answer to this and that’s HARRY POTTER. I’m sorry, everything is Harry Potter but I just can’t pick anything else on this one. i want to be a witch, go to Hogwarts, learn magic, HAVE A WAND, GO TO CLASSES, BE AN AUROR, EVERYTHIIIINGGGG. 

10. Tyrion - A character whose weapon is their mind

None other than ANNABETH CHASE, queen of intelligence and just my favorite HBIC. GO ANNABETH LET'S SAVE THE WORLD WITH OUR MINDS.

Now let’s talk! Do you agree with these? Tell me which ones you would choose! 
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